Painlessly create heatmaps from multi-billion row geo-datasets
Absolutely No Coding Is Required. Just Upload a File or use
our API to create a beautiful, high-resolution, heatmap!
Route4Me Device Locations
72 Hours of Sample DataPoint
Count: 675,000,000
Data Source: GPS Smartphone Sensor Data
You can easily spend weeks trying to figure out how to map billions of data points using exotic software and learning about complex visualization algorithms.
Once you figure that out, you can also pay to deploy large servers, process your data files slowly and one at a time, waiting hours only to learn that you need a different look to your map, and that you can't easily share it either.
You will likely spend many thousands of dollars to hire a new team member or outside contractor that claims to be a data visualization expert, but you will still be dragged into the engineering process, finding bugs, testing them, and waiting for the engineers to create a map that you need to generate several times per month for yourself or your management team.
Let’s face it - the process of creating heatmaps from datafiles which contain gigabytes of data is time consuming, laborious, and expensive, especially when it’s not your core business.
You can easily spend weeks trying to figure out how to map billions of data points using exotic software and learning about complex visualization algorithms.
Once you figure that out, you can also pay to deploy large servers, process your data files slowly and one at a time, waiting hours only to learn that you need a different look to your map, and that you can't easily share it either.
You have multiple ways to get files into our system. If you need to generate maps several times a month, you can upload a large file having billions of rows directly from your web browser.
As you need to add additional data, just keep uploading it to the same map and the map will become further enhanced. If you'd like to automate your geospatial heatmaps, or programmatically append them, you can submit new map data to our system with our easy-to-use API.
You can also request our system to download data files from a remote web-accessible server.Future releases will grab data directly from your favorite database.
You will likely spend many thousands of dollars to hire a new team member or outside contractor that claims to be a data visualization expert, but you will still be dragged into the engineering process, finding bugs, testing them, and waiting for the engineers to create a map that you need to generate several times per month for yourself or your management team.
Let’s face it - the process of creating heatmaps from datafiles which contain gigabytes of data is time consuming, laborious, and expensive, especially when it’s not your core business.